X-Ray Selection Tools

Any chance to get the fix for the 3.0? I know that the addon is free and maybe the creator is busy or tired of invest time on it, so from my side I will not mind to pay for it… think about it :wink:


I completely agree, this tool has been so valuable in my workflow it is driving me nuts not having it function properly in 3.0.


I think too… why blender forces to press shortcuts…

Is there any news about the 3.0 version ?
I can barely use blender without it.

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In a last ditch attempt to get this plugin fixed, I tossed a post into the “Post your requests to Blender ADD-ON developers here” thread to see if anyone would be willing to take a look at the addon to see what is the issue.

I’ve attempted to message @Cirno but he didn’t respond and it appears he hasn’t been active on the forum since July 2021. :frowning:

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I’ll look at this after work today. However, just peeking at the addon, there is a lot of code to this so I can’t guarantee anything. Could you repeat exactly what is broken in 3.0 and how to reproduce it?

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Awesome, thank you for taking a look at this, I greatly appreciate it. Here is a video showing the issue. If you use the standard Blender selection tools while in Move mode, you can drag select, then move. If you switch to the X-Ray Selection Tools while in Move mode, you are unable to drag select. The only way it works is having the X-Ray Selection Tool active. Hope this helps!

It sounds suspiciously like: https://developer.blender.org/T92953 The only difference is even if you enable right click select, it still doesn’t work, which means it might not be related.

I wish Blender had any documentation for Fallback Tools, aside from a note in the 2.82 release notes when they were introduced. Good tool documentation in general would be nice.

Is this similar to border occlusion addon?

Yes but it works through the tool system so you don’t have to mess with all your essential keybindings. Don’t worry about the last couple posts, this addon does work, it just doesn’t work if you want to select while using the Move tool(I only use G, switching tools by hand is too slow).

@Jaidek I’ve gone through everything I can think of and can’t find a solution. I believe it has to do with 3.0 API changes and the way the tool registers(or rather doesn’t) itself as a Fallback Tool. There doesn’t seem to be any documentation on this change. Also getting in the way is that @Cirno has a complicated preferences system that I can’t just disable for testing, when I do, it breaks the addon. This might be interfering with what I’m trying to do to register the fallback too.

If I get some time this weekend, I’m going to try to simplify testing by writing my own fallback tool and getting that working. That might get me moving forward with fixing this.


Would it help if you test this with an older version of the addon and then follow along with just the bugfix/ API changes between that and 3.0 to ‘disable’ the complicated preferences? The preference feature creep is only from the last couple versions and still has issues (basically you are better off creating the modals/ modifier modes manually than through the preferences).
But apart from that it works miracles in my config.

E: You may be able to contact the fallback tool devs through blender.chat

Also, there is another attempt to get Select Through in Blender natively by submitting a new patch. The developer is still gathering feedback on a WIP feature proven build here: https://devtalk.blender.org/t/decoupling-x-ray-and-limit-selection-to-visible/3498/371

A 3.0 compiled version of Blender with this patch is distributed there too.

Sure I’d give the things I tried a shot again with that.

Yeah, that was what I was going to do as well. Do you happen to know who it was? (I can figure it out, just asking if you knew off the top of your head)

No, I wouldn’t. But If I search for ‘Fallback tool’ on developer.blender.org (https://developer.blender.org/search/query/wIhysZ3arc0o/#R), I see the following topic

And the assigned + subscribed developers are:

Were you going to send that old version this way?

You can get them via Gumroad:

It goes back to version 1.2, but you can also find quite a lot of versions by going over Cirno’s posts in this topic.

Starting from 3.0.0, the preferences were changed and made the way they are now (for the most part).

You can see me requesting this in the post above :wink: so you can toggle select through with a hotkey. This part of the addon is in the 3.0.0 version, but the 2.0.14 (that should be the latest 2.0.x release) will probably be easier for you to manage.

Also, you may want to search for the version number “X.X.X” in this thread for any release notes to track bugfixes.

Hope this helps!

Thanks, yeah just needed a version number to start with. :slight_smile:

Check this out:



This looks great! So they are proposing to add this to Blender as a native feature?

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Yes indeed. Hopefully the patch will be accepted this time around. The developer added the option to select faces by area (as opposed to the native facedot selection) and to select edges that are only partially selected. Furthermore he also added an X-ray toggle for selecting through, just like this addon. :blush: