Your favourite Zelda game of all time??

I don’t think, I’ve seen him… Not sure though^^
I watched several LPers. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I didn’t have problems with the toon shading either. Find it interresting and it adds something to those games, as the “real” shading adds something to…well, TP only in fact.
(considering that OoT was kinda…well…not really…realistic. I mean, yes, but, of course the graphics being what they were…)
I also find all the series shouldn’t be like that either. Though I’m not sure if I’d like the that every game would look like TP either. :-/

Actualy, didn’t anybody (apart me, of course) notice that Skyward Sword looks like…Ocarina of Time? I mean, Skyward Sword is meant to be realistic at the same time as toon shaded. So, even that OoT was just meant to be realistic (I think), those old graphics make it look like toon shaded at the same time too. Don’t you find?

I wouldnt say Oot was toon shaded, but it certainly was very cartoon/anime-like in the graphic style and character design. Zeldas always been a strange graphical style to me. Its a cross between a standard 3D style game and anime (just look at the characters eyes). But it was never truly cel shaded until windwaker.
But yeh I find SS interesting because it seems like the ‘ultimate’ graphics style for the zelda games. Somewhere between the overly ‘realistic’ style of twilight princess and the cartoonyness of windwaker.

Just to demonstrate how weird the graphics are, check out this screenshot from TP showing the classic anime style link in ‘realistic’ graphics! I never really thought about this much untill now, its really quite interesting how this style has developed for zelda.

Do many other games have this style??
Final fantasy is close?

Hahahah… This is pretty spot on:

well, i haven’t seen other games with Zelda-like graphics so far…but to be honest i haven’t played a lot of different games :stuck_out_tongue:
but from screenshots and things of other games that I have seen, I think Zelda pretty much has a unique style, which is cool :smiley:

it’s ineresting, all four…well, 5 if you count Metroid, of Nintendo’s big series all have very different graphic styles - Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon, and Metroid…

Link’s Awakening ftw!

Hmm, except the fact that it’s written in Katagana pronounciations, this does really not look like Miyamoto. :slight_smile:
Though, this speech is what I think for a while. People had prejudices about WW then they found it was cool. Then they were looking forward for TP, and they found it a bit too dark afterwards. I love both. From the beginning to the end. I was looking forward to get both and I’m very happy to have them now.

I was surprised by the look of Skyward Sword. I was expecting a game looking more like TP, maybe because of the only art picture that was published. But I didn’t think the game wouldn’t be cool. I was just very surprised.
Now that I’ve read a few things on it and watched the trailer in details, I’m REALLY looking forward to it! :smiley:

Yes, Zelda style is unique. From OoT it looked a bit like mangas, but with European-like characters (blond/red hair, white skin). And that is very good cause those games are inspired from both Noth Europe legends and Japan legends. (as Miyamoto once said)

didn’t know that…totally cool :smiley:

edit - woops, sorry for that last paragraph, wrong thread :o see the Zelda Thread to see it

Hey, no pretext to make publicity! :wink:

hahaha :smiley: nah, I just posted my thing in the wrong Zelda thread :stuck_out_tongue:

OoT is not toonshaded at all but I know what you mean. I thought so several times.
Actually I’ve seen a screenshot from a hack with cell shaded OoT… It fitted incredibly well.
Indeed SS is somehow way closer to the OoT style than any other more recent 3D Zelda.

In fact, that seems to be a theme they focused on a lot:
Back to the roots.
Also the 2D enemies they reused in this game look a lot like their origin versions. Just look at the octorocs. They look more like the 2D octorocs (or the official game art stuff) than in any other 3D game. (In fact they only where in the toon shaded series IIRC, right? - PH in particular.)
Also the moblins look pretty much like those in the original Zelda rather than like the designs in the more recent games.
They lost their Goblin aspect again and got back the pig and dog look from the original game. It’s the first time, Nintendo translates the 2D foes to 3D with such care :slight_smile: - I predict that this will be true with several other enemies in SS :slight_smile:

Strictly speaking it’s only Mario, Zelda and Kirby, if I’m not mistaken… The others are main franchises but 3rd party. (I might be wrong on that, though :))

no, Pokemon and Metroid are Nintendo-exclusive, and are branches of Nintendo itself. I think Mario, Metroid, and Zelda are developped by one branch, which would be the official “Nintendo branch”. Pokemon are made by the Pokemon Company, but still part of Nintendo, and HAL as well.

SEGA and Konami, however, are third-parties :slight_smile:

yeah, “back to the roots”…I think I read somewhere that it was the central theme for TP, but they didn’t get as far as they would have liked…or maybe it was SS, i don’t know

Doesn’t Nintendo own SEGA?
And Metroid is by Team Ninja, I thought?

TP was maybe back to the 3D roots:
Supposedly realsitic graphics and only slight twist on the basic story of OoT (with the exception of Ganondorf being implemented in a very different way)
SS is more back to the absolute roots :slight_smile:

yeah, Nintendo owns SEGA (at least i think), but they’re still a third-party, since their games are published on multiple consoles, which is why Sonic is a 3rd-p character in Brawl

Team Ninja might just be a small internal branch of Nintendo, like the Pokemon Company… I’ll have to do some reading

I see :slight_smile:
Well, as said, I’m not an expert^^

Pokemon games often mention Game Freak at the beginning…

But you know what? I just realised that we’re a tiny bit off topic right now, lol

kram1032 said :

In fact, that seems to be a theme they focused on a lot:
Back to the roots.

That’s exactly what I thought.
Adult Timeline = Toon Shading
Child Timeline = “Realistic” shading
Before both = Kinda half toon half realistic

…By the way, I think SEGA still is different from Nintendo, but that Nintendo bought Sonic. Only Sonic. Not sure though.

Nope, I’m pretty sure on just that part: Nintendo owns SEGA.
There is no new SEGA console, afaik, is there?
(They had handheld consoles… My cousin hat one of them and played Sonic on it all the time^^ - and a couple of other games…)

All games from nintendo sucks…except two games. Metroid and donkey kong. And of course the funny racing games where you can shoot missiles at each other. Zelda is the most overrated piece of shit game series ever.

I wonder why people like you lose their time to come here just to say that. :-/
Actualy, you didn’t ever play Zelda, did you?

Well Zelda do suck, it’s such a not original character. I mean a elf with santa cap. And a sword and then go save the princess…not only that but it’s anime and it looks and is very childish. I’m not a expert on the storyline but I have heard from people that it’s not very good.

I don’t have anything against cartoony looking games. But Zelda is just silly as a character. A much better mascot for a game would be Spyro or Crash bandicoot. They are much better mascot characters and much more unique and fun games.
Plus don’t forget Zelda is a game for fans. It’s a game that was unique when it came but now has been milked so much, and is just shit. The only people who still buy the shit is the people who played the games when they were like 6 years old.

Crash bandicoot a 30 yaer old could pick up and have fun with.

There are 33 voters just here that can tell you definitely didn’t ever play Zelda and that you know absolutely nothing about it apart the name of the game.

First, the character dressed in green is called Link, and not Zelda, see?

Second, a lot of 30 years old have fun with those games.

And I won’t talk about it anymore cause I really feel that I’m losing my time.

By the way, I have no problem with your games since I don’t even know them. It’s not a contest of the best video game here, it’s just a poll about your favorite Zelda game. If you don’t have one, you don’t need to feel concerned.