Entry closes on Monday, 22:30 GMT (Tue, Sep 4, 2018 12:30 AM (Europe: Paris), Mon, Sep 3, 2018 3:30 PM (America: Los Angeles))
“There are two main goals for these contests: Fun and Glory.
Fun: You get only 4 days to create a cool image, based on the theme for the week.
Glory: After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared. The winner picks the theme for next week.”
Please remember to state if your entry is pure, open or non-competing.
For details please check out the: CHALLENGE RULES
Btw.: Comments are welcome in both threads (entries/voting). Have fun!
Happy One Year Millani! Without a doubt your art has improved insanely! I see a lot of parallels in your style to Helge. Awesome stuff.
I wanted to go back an have a look at some WEC art from a year ago, but to my horror it’s gone. Let’s start a campaign to try and get the BA people to fix that, what’s the point of a forum if your stuff is gone a year later? Is there a thread to flood or bump?
I’ve been real busy, but this week I had a morning free for a head sculpt. WIP:
Couldn’t produce a satisfying entry myself last week, but gladly I was impressed by many other nice entries. Very anxious to find out what you will come up this weeks contest.
My entry is called ‘Something Cheerful’. All modeled within Blender, colorcorrections done in PS. Pure I think. Hope u guys like it a bit;
A little influenced by Legend of Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These. A lot of people hate CG mixed in traditional cell animation but I like it. About a 30 minute build and 4 minute render so not much to it.
The hdri is one I made using Mark Kingsnorth’s space nebula node.
Edit: I had some more time to spend on this so I made the textures much nicer and change the color and intensity of the fireworks that illumate the wider scene. I think this is a much more “cinematic” take on the original, even if it still doesn’t make much sense.
Pure Blender 2.79, Cycles, only procedural textures.
Inspired by those folks who can go beyond party-line politics in potentially unpopular yet morally justified support of an idea or cause that transcends typical political / partisan agendas and tendencies.
Sometimes this results in what is more popularly known as “bipartisanship.”
This is starting to become a habit for me getting entries in so late and only coming up with ideas late. I am not going to say it’s my age… Ummmm where was I? Oh yeah if I get the chance tomorrow before the deadline I will be giving this one a higher sample render and maybe add a couple more things to the tea table. But for now here it is…
Pure Entry 500 samples, filmic, denoise and going to call this one