For Modo user switching to Blender 2.8

Well, this thread seems to be the go to place and a fountain of knowledge. A lot of questions answered already. Time to add some of my own I guess…

  1. Sketch extrude. Does that exist? - One click button in Modo

  2. Thickness? Blender has solidify modifier. Anything that is immediately clickable?

  3. Blender doesn’t have array and radial array I suppose? ( That’s why “Interactive Tools for Blender” comes into play I guess) = Not really a question, just checking.

  4. Bending… is mindbendingly difficult and badly implemented. Wonder if there is plugin that does it simple like Modo. Select the object, add a random pivot point and rotate.

  5. Bisect - When I bisect a cube in Modo I can double click to select either part of the cut mesh. When I double click here (I use Simple M - B. config to mimic clicking) it selects the whole mesh as if I didn’t cut it.

Due to my transition from modo to blender ive had to get quite a few addons to make Blender Super Modo!'. My n-panel Tab was getting cluttered and I was always having to remember hotkeys I changed (of which are many). So after playing around and only doing 1 serious artwork since the transition im trying to do what I can to help ex modo users and myself with the transition. I mentioned the pie menu editor addon few days ago and showed some screenshots of my custom pies from it which have really helped. So I went through my addons, got rid of what I didn’t need but kept what I did, especially paid ones. Just wanted to share some pies and my customisation of them to make my life easier. I also didn’t like the retopo in blender because i loved modo, maya and even the zsphere zbrush method. So I tried to use Polyquilt and make a pie for snapping and retopo to occompany it and honestly ive got a modo/maya retopo workflow with it (attached ascreenshot). Chuffed :slight_smile:
Anyway here are a few screenshots of my new pies. Just maybe you guys will be inspired to get it. Saved alot of time and aids focus on specific tasks :slight_smile:

PS- I got heavypolys material popup and mapped it to ‘m’. So now I have a cool menu popup for applying/editing mats etc (in the screenshot, also works with the octane version of blender, i use the e-cycles version and the latest octane version).

Hopefully you can read the screenshots properly.


How can I select and deselect loop/s in UV editor (Edge/Poly loop/s)?
It so painful to use UV editor in Blender…

alt+shift+click should work for “edges” :thinking:
no idea about faces tho…

Even in face mode I still select verts with alt+shift+click…why so?!
In Edge mode I can select verts too by Lasso/BoxCircle selection.

Blenders UV editor doesn’t have a concept of faces and edges, only verts

I wish I was joking

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No idea… I guess the UV editor is just borked overall…

I assumed that UV editing was very poorly implemented, but I did not think that it was so deep.
Deselecting also with alt+shift+click :scream_cat:

Modo actually does not really have any thing different to normal viewport, except being 2d. You can do everything, like cut, bevel, transform and use even fall offs and snaps like in the 3d viewport. I never understand why now one else copied that idea…


Has any fellow modo users tried this addon for blender? -

I ask because I know the creator(s) use(d) Modo.


Watch this before buying, addon is nice but something alarms me

the only thing I have some problem with Pin, can’t move whole uv island, only one pined vertex moved…

Saved me some cash. Thank you.

It isn’t bad but UVToolkit basically does 99% of the same thing, and it’s free. Has a nice pie menu as well.

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Thanks a lot for pointing out this addon, never had head of it. I think I’m golden with Daniel Bystedt’s tips, TexTools, MagicUV, UVPackmaster and now this UVToolkit!

Now I just need to make a nice pie menu to accommodate the best options from each, hahaha.

Hello from another Modo user,

I’ve been trying Blender for a couple of weeks. Looks good!

I’ve read half of ~600 messages. A lot of info. But it’s big topic. So, I’ve created an external with a questions regarding selection pipeline in Blender:

Can you tell the name of that addon?

Took me ages to find this. It isnt an addon its a custom extrude. here is the video on how to do it.


Thanks! Nice feature. However I thought it’s something like shift+click to reactivate any tool in Modo. As far as I know the only way to do the same in Blender is pressing the same button for the tool again? (except shift+r to repeat last)


Modo Bevel tool is unreplaceable unfortunately.
The closest thing is Inset Faces and with holding Ctrl (Depth), but it can’t inset in negative value, and it most annoying in this tool.
For Modo Slice the closest thing in Blender is Knife (with Z enabled before cut to cut through, cutting normal is relying on view, so you need to be in right view to cut in straight direction, and you can’t modify cutting plane). There is Bisect but you cant use snap with it and need to select some element…

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Being able to draw out the slice plane in the viewport, (esp. with ctrl held to lock to straight line) automatically locked to the 2 dominant axis on the workplane is something I still miss every day.