HDRI Sun Aligner v1.6

Hi, I would like to share my first Blender addon, “HDRI Sun Aligner” (latest version 1.6), available on my GitHub repository.

HDRI Sun Aligner is a Blender 2.8 addon for automatically rotating an object (e.g. a sun) to match the brightest point in a HDRI environment texture. Some ideas when this may be useful:

  • Adding a sun to a scene rendered by EEVEE, as EEVEE cannot render shadows from HDRI environment textures

  • Adding any light to enhance a scene, in alignment with direct light from the environment


  • Add a HDRI environment texture (equirectangular projection) to the World in Blender

  • HDRI Sun Aligner is accessed from the panel to the right:


  • Calculate the brightest point in the HDRI used for the environment by clicking on “Calculate sun position”

  • A preview of the calculated position is displayed in the image editor:

  • Updated “Longitude and Latitude” values are displayed in the panel (can be edited)

  • Select any object and click “Rotate object” to align it with a vector from the calculated point to origo

  • To add a new sun (rotated in alignment with the current sun position), click “Add new sun”
    The new sun will be located in a new collection, “HDRI Sun Aligner”

Find more details and installation instructions on my GitHub repository.

Version 1.2 - fixes and improvements

  • “Add new sun” operator to add a new sun, rotated in alignment with the current sun position

Version 1.1 - fixes and improvements

  • No dependency on OpenCV, only Numpy which is already included with Python in Blender

    • I.e. no need to install any additional Python library
  • Improved usability with new panel in 3D Viewport

    • Update sun position (calculate brightest spot in HDRI)
    • Display of calculated Longitude and Latitude (can be changed by user)
    • Rotation of selected object according to coordinates
  • Preview is displayed in the Image Editor

Ideas for future updates:

  • Handle rotated HDRI’s (i.e. if the HDRI is rotated by a mapping node)
  • Change the static preview to something dynamic where you can click on a coordinate in the preview and automatically add a light source at that position (with correct rotation of course), including sampling of the color at that coordinate
  • Make it possible to change the position of the detected brightest point (dynamically by clicking in the HDRI preview)

I didn’t tested it yet, but from what I can see it would be nice to add multiple directional lights with clicking on the hdri preview - like in marmoset toolbag.

The sun samples the color of the indicator the user placed and by changing the position of it everything changes in realtime.

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This is a great idea. I’m currently using OpenCV and the “imshow” function for displaying the static preview window, but if this is changed to use e.g. the Image Editor instead, I believe it’s possible to get the coordinates and color sample in real time? The mapping from 2D coordiates to 3D rotation is already in place and can be reused (that was the most complicated thing to get right). Let me do some tests and see how it goes.

a very good addon, i will try it, thank you very much

OMG you rock! I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m sure it is wonderful! Thank you thank you thank you!

Nice, but it require openCV lib. So i cannot activate the plugin.

Modules Installed () from 'C:\\Users\\wx^c\\Downloads\\hdri-sun-aligner-master.z
ip' into 'C:\\Users\\wx^c\\AppData\\Roaming\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\2.80\\
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\blender-2.80.0-git.84c06e996a7a-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\addon_
utils.py", line 351, in enable
    mod = __import__(module_name)
  File "C:\Users\wx^c\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\ad
dons\hdri-sun-aligner-master\__init__.py", line 15, in <module>
    import cv2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'

Edit : After install python-opencv with pip inside the bundler python, I can activate it.

It looks to work nice. Maybe you can add the way to move the blue circle in case of false detection ?

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Thanks @warnotte for testing, I updated the initial post with a reference to the Readme where there are more details on the required OpenCV library and how to install it using “pip”.

I will for sure try to make the HDRI preview interactive, allowing for adjusting the position of the detected sun position as well as the possibility to dynamically add a light source at any position by clicking on the image (and sampling the color as suggested by @gestoryscht).

The good idea and good addon. Thanks

You can temporarily replace 3DView with Image editor (mask mode because of cursor is there) and let user pick the sun position. I did that way for Vray addon.

I’m sorry but with scripting I’m a stone!
Can You explain us how to fix it?
I’m the same problem as @warnotte

Tnx a lot!

Nice!! You could easily achieve the same functionality with just numpy and matplotlib instead of the rather clunky opencv. Matplotlib also allows you to query mouse click positions. You could perhaps use local maxima to detect several light sources automatically.

Do you have the same problem that the “cv2” module cannot be imported when you activate the addon? If so, you need to open a Command Prompt (assuming you are on a Windows environment) and run the following commands (one by one). Note that you need to replace <path to blender> with the actual path where you have extracted the Blender ZIP file (from the daily builds), e.g. C:\Downloads\Blender\

cd <path to blender>\2.80\python\bin
python.exe -m ensurepip
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
python.exe -m pip install opencv-python --user

Let me know if this works out or if you get any problems running the above commands. To open the command prompt, search for “cmd” in the Windows search field (next to the start menu in Windows 10).

For clarification, the above commans do the following:

  1. Installs the Python package manager (called “pip”) in the Python distribution bundled with Blender.
  2. Installs the “opencv-python” python package (which is imported as “cv2” in the Python code).

Tnx so much @akej74

I’ve this error…

This is the second test I did. In the first I installed the pip

Not sure what’s going on here, could you try the following:

  1. Unzip blender to C:\Blender\ in case there is some problem with the space in the path.

  2. Make sure Blender is not running.

  3. Try the commands again.

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Now works!
Thanks for your time!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Version 1.1 is now available, see OP for details.

Fixes and improvements in v1.1

  • No dependency on OpenCV, only Numpy which is already included with Python in Blender

    • I.e. no need to install any additional Python library
  • Improved usability with new panel in 3D Viewport

    • Update sun position (calculate brightest spot in HDRI)

    • Display of calculated Longitude and Latitude (can be changed by user)

    • Rotation of selected object according to coordinates


  • Preview is displayed in the Image Editor

Please let me know if you have any suggestions or improvement ideas for the next version. It was a good learning exercise to implement functions from OpenCV using only Numpy :grinning:


Update to v1.2, see OP for details.

Fixes and improvements in v 1.2

  • New operator, “Add new sun” to add a new sun, rotated in alignment with the current sun position.
    • The sun will be added to a new collection, “HDRI Sun Aligner”


Note that the “Current sun position” can be changed manually if needed. I plan to add an interactive mode for the next version, to update the latitude and longitude by clicking on the preview image.

Note on mapping of image x-y coordinates to spherical coordinates:

  • Latitude: from +90 (north pole, i.e. top of image) to -90 (south pole, i.e. bottom of image)
  • Longitude: from -180 to +180, with 0 in the middle of the image

Nice addon,

Quick Question: If I rotate the HDRI with the mapping node. Will the sun also rotate with the new mapping coordinates?

Did a quick test and it does not seem to.

You could add a driver on the sun to the mapping node, so if a user changes the mapping node the sun automatically goes with it. Just an idea.

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Thanks @anon12133251 for the idea to add a driver, I got it to work nicely. There is a new operator for adding a driver to the selected object:


This will add a driver, as in the following example:

Two variables are used:

  • “hdri_z” z-rotation from a HDRI vector mapping node (if applicable)
  • “obj_z” z-rotation w.r.t. the sun position in the “unrotated” HDRI

Rotating the HDRI (z in the mapping node) automatically rotates the object with the driver.

The update is now available on the develop branch on GitHub. @anon12133251, if you have time, please try this new version and let me know how it goes.

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Perfect!!! I love it.

This will be used almost always.
