Lightwave 2020 released

Yes.animation nodes looks awesome, lightwave has some nice power too with nodal displacement…look at bryphi77 samples on youtube.

As for growing wines in blender, yes…I mentioned that previously…if there was a weight map that could work outwards and a weight map growth tool perhaps.

In lightwave I just use magic bevel from a simple mesh ( drawing out a spline with the mesh at once) and editable also as long as you do not drop it, you can pick multiselections and continue to draw on already drawn branches…as long as you do not drop the tool…I do not think blender has this kind of modeling feature either, closest thing would be sculpting with snake mode and dyntopo, but that can only be done while it remeshes a lot and triangulated, magic bevel does this clean from one face.

and then I use a weight outward plugin, and fertilizer displacement plugin in layout…
Its quite straightforward and easy to do, just as long as you place the modifier in the right stack order before subdivision.

This is becoming a bit too heated for my liking and I’m locking this topic until the @moderators had a chance to review the recent posts.


Alright i read through the last 12 posts, and it seems like it took a 180 in the snap of a finger… Lets try to keep things civil.

One important thing to remember, dont be afraid to disagree! If someone has a different view then you, please dont feel encouraged to go out of your way to change their mind.

Constructive discussions are welcome! Dont take me wrong. But comments like “You confuse me with someone who gives a crap about LW” are not needed.


Yeah I am pretty convinced…lol

That and a proper animation workflow. I just think they lack the commitment. And there is way to high of a risk. And as long as I am not depending on LightWave I can be OK with it. And in fact even go so far as to suggest that given what effort I think it would take, they would be fools to try in this market. Just too many years ahead and way too much resources. Even though I have been critical of how they have handled LightWave, maybe in the end they made the right choice to save their own asses. That is, lets say going back to 4 years ago. Maybe at that point, the realistic projection to finish that project was too risky. I think they decided to just keep selling LightWave as a VFX tool. Make some small improvements to modeler. Let Victor handle the rest. Forget animation because that can’t change in a fundamental way. Let Rebel Hill pick up the slack and call it a day.

Just my observation and opinion.

For me, I am also convinced it will not happen anytime soon2-4 years…so that kind of time range I would chime in on, but after that…I won´t even speculate…they could win the lottery if they bet on it, and if they do, hire more skilled programmers and get it done.
Now that is fantasy…but not entire impossible :slight_smile:

2019 lightwave will be enough for me for a while anyway…probably 3-5 years before the market has introduced so much new stuff that I would need to re-evaluate it all.

Tone mapping is one of the few features I found that I need in Lightwave, which been frustrating a bit…but that I also got in blender already…so there you go.

If I did not have too many other more important things to do with my money, I would upgrade just for the hell of it. Just to at least stay current with the last version. But I will have to roll the dice that I get into enough money in a few years and if they are still around, the upgrade would be relatively the same.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Off Topic Discussion from: Lightwave 2020 Released

You have Mira tools it has a lot of LW/Modo kind of tools including a magic bevel kind of tool.

Even though you can just extrude with ctrl+right click in Blender.

See this thread about metalink and hardlink

A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Discussion from: Lightwave 2020 Released

Split off topic thread regarding the state of lightwave to Off Topic Discussion from: Lightwave 2020 Released.

Thanks for the tip of mira, looked at it …similar, but not as smooth, with magic bevel you can edit the created bevel with a guide, what he shows there is however just very like the spline guide tool as lightwave also has, but affecting the whole mesh.

Magic bevel let´s you draw continously on a just drawn bevel on it´s side, perhaps doable almost similar by just picking a new face and draw, will have to test it.

Ctrl right click is just extending extruding for each click and really not scalable as bevel in lightwave when you both extrude and inset the elements within the same tool, it just feels a bit clunkier (until I discover something I missed probably) proportional editing perhaps.

But basicly…no I do not find a way of doing a bevel as in lightwave…in one tool action, extrude and inset face at one go and control over the inset with the mouse.

??? Is that an obsolete mechanic in 2.8n?

Nope, still there. :slight_smile:

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ctrl+ right clicking was more an answer to magic bevel. Ordinary bevel like in LW is done easily with shortcuts for scale and move. It’s not in the same tool but quick enough to not be bothered about.

No, works fine in 2.82a. (Colkai was faster.)

Showcasing… Try this:
Lots of neat tools in this addon, not just this one.
Maybe “not as smooth as Lightwave does it”, but you could say that about a lot of things. This seems like a very specific tool in LW that I’d like to see a use-case for if you would. Also, is it non-destructive or can you edit the shape afterwards?
Sorry for going a bit off-topic.

Huh, I’ve been trying out various key+mouse combos and I can’t get a face to extrude (of course there’s the equally easy (and easiER to remember “e” key)). So, if I select a Face, hold down CTRL and drag with the RMB it should extrude??? —What happens here (2.8n) is that I get a Lasso Select border.

(If you CLICK, versus DRAG, you can get a SELECT SHORTEST PATH selection.)

ctrl+rmb+drag is lasso select. ctrl+rmb+click is extrude.