Point Cloud Visualizer

New release is available at Blender Market!

  • 1.8.0
    • faster rendering
    • render current or all visible point clouds
    • optional shuffle when joining points
    • optional basic uv layout generation for Convert (mesh based result)
    • Convert to vertex mesh with pcv-normal and pcv-color attributes (to be used with Geometry Nodes)

it’s small update this time…
some notes as usual:

  • rendering is faster due to new method of setting pixel values from buffer, i see generally 4x faster rendering, but it may depend on how many points you are rendering and what is image size of renders.
  • rendering of all visible clouds with either alpha shader or adjusted global alpha looks strange when transparent points are in front of other points, it does not blend properly. i will try to solve this in future. for now please don’t render multiple transparent point clouds…
  • conversion to geometry nodes creates vertex only mesh with attributes. you can then use it for example to instance another mesh on points, rotate using normal attribute, but you can’t colorize instances by color (as far as i know), once i find way to do that, i will update it to create also node system with instancing and colors. if anyone happen to know a way to colorize mesh instances generated by geometry nodes in their current state, i would be very happy to learn that…

Would it be possible to use the clip geometry as an animation? For example: an animation of a clipped crosssection moving through the pointcloud and displaying only the clipped sections?

if keyframing clip planes values is not enough Point Cloud Visualizer - #353 by carbon2 , i could add optional automatic setting them on each redraw from chosen object bounds. object display then you can set on bounds and have it interactive and animate object instead.

what about this? it will be in next release



Yes! That looks awesome, I can’t wait!

I am having a really hard time getting the Instancing to work. All the icospheres are wrapped with the entire texture map of colors instead of each having the little bit of the UV map as appropriate. Is there a step when using instancing I am missing?

can you post some screenshots? so i know what are you doing?

colors are baked to texture with conversion to ‘instancer’ or ‘particle system’, which one you are using?

making uvs is latest addition, it is uv triangle per instance and it is meant for further processing, just that you don’t need making it by hand if some uv is needed. like when you are exporting result to some format that does not support vertex colors, so you need to bake colors to texture…

I am using Instancer. I can see the colors are baked, but every instance has the whole texture.


hm, material should be created correctly, important part is From Instancer checked in Texture Coordinates in sphere material.

this is straight to instancer conversion with same settings, no changes to it except i rearranged nodes to be all visible… and added light

what pcv version you have? blender version? is it cycles? i tested it on pcv 1.8, blender 2.83.13, cycles

Interesting. Yes, it works in Cycles, just not Eevee. I am on the beta of 2.93 on windows 10 and pcv 1.8.
Thank you for pointing out a way forward :slight_smile:

it is not supported (yet?) in eevee: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/render/eevee/materials/nodes_support.html#other-nodes-support
i should mention this in docs…

particles in eevee (2.83) are fine, you only need to switch viewport display to rendered

Oh man, I’ve just spent some time tweaking the add-on code to create drivers to do that, but I’m thrilled this feature will be available by default ! Awesome. Do you plan on extending the clipping functionality to all shaders ?

For anyone interested, replace shaders.py in the /ops folder. It will bug you to enable python scripts globally when launching the file but you don’t have to. shaders.py (11.0 KB)
Code in action :


yes i do :wink:
even though i need to rewrite all shaders for it…

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some news… next version will have clip planes for all shaders (except Fast shader), both for viewport and render and all with live update option. and shader panel reworked a bit to reflect that



all expanded

about release, i need to update pcv for latest open3d version. because python version changed in 2.93, there is no longer open3d 0.10 package available for download for that python version. if you need open3d, i suggest you to stay on 2.92 (or 2.83 LTS)

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PCV 1.9.0 is out!

  • 1.9.0
    • clipping planes for all shaders (viewport and render)
    • auto clipping planes update, linked object can be animated (viewport and render)
    • more Split filter options
    • shader panel updated


one note regarding Open3D and Blender 2.93, Open3D is not yet available for Python 3.9 included in Blender 2.93. use Blender 2.92 if you need Open3D working, i’ll update PCV with Open3D 0.13.0 once it is released…


Awesome, thanks a lot !!

hi, i need some more info. what os? what blender version? what pcv version? is render transparent? or black? or nothing is saved at all? is there some exception displayed? if not, is some message in console/terminal (https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/advanced/command_line/launch/index.html)?

final - you mean cycles/eevee render? you cannot render points in those. you can’t do that from addon, it have to be feature of render engine itself. that’s why you can convert points to mesh/dupli/particle system/mesh with attributes for geonodes

some news, next pcv will include rendering combined with viewport. what you see in viewport is rendered to image and then points are rendered into it… image is better than words:

viewport in material preview shading mode, overlays turned off

pcv render

one note, viewport rendered mode will not work, only opengl


Is there any way to allow relative paths for loading ply files? Or perhaps assuming .ply file is in the same folder as blend file?

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