Update !
Retopo MT is available !
It’s in alpha Stage, so you can see some bugs, thanks to put the error messages on this post
Retopo MT is a tool for retopo, you use it in addition with other addons or tools in Blender, in Edit Mode.
You call the tool with CTRL+SHift+ALT+W (we can change this shortcut ^^).
In this video you can see the Addon and his tools.
It’s in french (again ^^) so I’m sorry to not translate it, that demand too much time and work.
Instructions :
Here some gifs.
Enter in Retopo MT mod : Ctrl + Shift + X (you can change the shortcut, look after those gifs).
Add of polygons
B-surface style
- Enter edit mode, select vertex, enter retopo MT mode, press SPACE and draw line(s)
Polygon merging
- Use Shift and clic, the tool merge the vertex in the circle.
Contour style
- Presse SPACE and draw lines
- Activate the AutoMerge with A.
The core of the addon is the add polygons, it’s easy and fast.
Like I said, it’s in alpha stage so you may have some bugs, don’t worry and tell us what are your bugs.
The dev will not add feature, he as a new job and can just fix bugs, so i someone wants give us his help, don’t hesitate to participate
The link to the script >
For those who want change the shortcut, open the script in blender and change the shortcut and save the script.
With a friend we work on a retopoly Addon for blender.
It’s just a start and it’s not available right now, maybe in january I hope.
The goal is to make an easy retopo, to be fast and accurate.
There is some videos.
My friend make the code and I tell him what I want, I’m not as good as I would like to make that kind of code
But I know what I want and I want a great and fast tool.
As you can see on the video it’s already pretty cool, on the second video I asked him to add the topogun style of making faces. You can see that at 10 minutes 51.
My friend cannot work on it for now but I can show you the addon.
Cheers !
- Roadmap :
Ctrl + RMB > Lasso Selection
C > face selection
X > Delete, hold X > delete everything under the brush
D > Bsurface
shift + Drag > Extrude and bridge
Double clic on a face face > add loopcut
Double clic on an edge > selection edge loop or edge ring
Q > Relax brush
In creation mode :
RMB > size of the cursor
MMB > Number of segments
LMB > Add faces
In relax Mode :
RMB > size of the cursor
MMB > Intensity
LMB > Relax
Retopo Creation :
Of of two inputs, one for the reference, one for the retopo Mesh.
When we don’t have a retopo mesh, the addon will create one.
Like that we can change reference and retopo mesh simply.
To add faces, il will be great to make like topogun because it’s fast and easy.
When create faces, the two points are really great, but it can be better.
RMB > size of the cursor
MMB > Number of segments
LMB > Add faces
When we draw line, we could use before the RMB for the size of the cursor, the MMB for the number of subdivisions.
After the creation we could use the mouse to change the number of subdivision or < and >.
Thos keys are under the hand, so it’s easier than + and -, no need to look the keyboard and no need to clic on the blanc circle.
But, keep the blanc circle, it’s good too !
Use the double clic on a face, start the loopcut tool and after we can choose the direction and the subdivisions, with the mouse or < and >.
Add the Knife Tool with K to add subdivisions.
Have the posibilitu to selection vertex, edges and faces, also the lasso and circle selection.
When we have something selected we could use the mouse buttons to move, rotate and scale.
LMB > Move selection
MMB > Rotate selection
RMB > Scale selection
O would use the proportionnal editing.
When nothing selected, it’s the cursor with his own proportionnal editing who is used.
Add a relax brush with Q.
<span style=“font-size: 12.7272720336914px;”>
LMB > Relax
MMB > intensity
RMB > Brush size.
The relax keep the border
SHIFT + Q > relax the borders
X for deleting faces, hold X to delete all the polygons under the brush.