The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

I made this thread just now. Having a bit of a rant and some suggestions on how to improve this. I hope people chime in and share their thoughts on the topic.

Just getting tired of how overly complicated this has become. ^^


Since texture/sculpt vertex paint is getting improved. Any chance we can get a eyedropper improvement to sample colors outside Blender’s window like from Pureref for example?


Who had the brilliant idea of making the curves from the input mapping tab in Sculpt-dev 3.3 work opposite to how it did before? Both brushes were reset using the “ResetSculptBrushes” addon.

It makes absolutely no sense, a lower point on the graph represents a stronger/bigger output? Why?

Yeah, it can be annoying that there’s still no fluid communication between the Blender devs and user community. It’s the frequent users / artists the devs should be listening to. Joe recently decided to change the Voxel Remesh defaults, so now I need to activate Fix Poles every time. You could save a default Blender scene with Fix Poles activated, but then any changed default setting in newer Blender builds will not be picked up anymore.


I’m afraid those decisions are coming from elsewhere… :neutral_face:


Reading that, it seems like a good decision wouldn’t you agree?


Fix Poles can/will add a lot of processing time during voxel remeshing, that’s why it was changed.

Ideally there should be a way to change the default values of all kinds of tools and features in the preferences imo. More power for the user.


Given the upcoming use of the Asset Browser for brushes, I could see more things like it (tools, presets, HDRI’s) being moved out of the monolithic default file and into a personal asset




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Tbh, brush management in Grease pencil is even more atrocious. You only have a single button to switch brushes, since all drawing brushes are part of the same tool!
There’s a lot of talk about the new brush management project, yet it’s not planned:

Come to think of it, shouldn’t there be a topic like this for Grease Pencil too? Let’s call it: “The big Blender Grease Pencil Mode thread” :wink:


Good idea! I’d suggest to start it and earn eternal Blender Artists fame. :smiley:


if anyone steals my idea in the meantime, remove theirs! :japanese_ogre:


Check it out here: The big Blender Grease Pencil thread


Yes and no… :slightly_smiling_face:
It depends on how people use the tool…

I don’t use C4D but I’ve glimpsed videos of it and it would appear there is a M A S S I V E amount of system/scene/UI/utility presets and tools in their asset browser.

So much this. I can understand that the devs are the ones doing the actual developing, but some changes make it look like they don’t know what’s the actual purpose of some of the tools, or the Sculpt mode as a whole. I vote for a basic sculpting workshop to be given to them teaching how to sculpt so they can understand some of the things we actually need. And I tell this not only to the main sculpt dev, we know he is squeezing blood out of a stone, but mostly to the people doing the final decision of what gets developed or not, or what gets into master, or if some new tool really needs to be totally compatible with other Blender tools to warrant its development.

Can anyone find where this change is listed over at I really need to understand what was the thought process behind this change. I truly must be missing something. Maybe it’s a bug, I don’t know.


Damn right… and not just sculpting, modeling and other stuff as well…

Looks like a bug yeah… try to ask in the chat…


Yes, please. I honestly don’t understand why it is so complicated to access the built in HDRIs for rendering your scenes right now.

Would make things a lot easier and would allow Blender to be lighter with fewer built in assets and having the option to download the current assets into a new assets library given out for free with more useful stuff like a larger array of sculpt/texture brushes.


I want a “studio lighting” node that allows me to access all the built-in hdris and matcaps directly in the shader editor…

On RCS just in case…


There’s more to this: non of the tools in Blender seem to actually get polished. There could be many more modifiers for all sorts of things, a gizmo for the 3d Cursor, something like Friendly Pivot,

Kekit’s Cursor Fit & Align and 3d Cursor bookmarks (save states). Ways to automatically set objects for lattices or empties in modifiers, etc., etc.

The fact that by default Blender requires a lot of clicks all over the interface turns beginners and artists from other packages off. Instead of fixing this, the devs seem to rely on the community, which in turn prefers making addons over merging things to Master, because time spent on patches is sometimes wasted when patches remain in limbo.
I have been following this one closely and the developer who ended up working on this was close to lose hope on getting in contact with the devs!
As a consequence we keep losing addons (read functionality) from time to time when the original developer goes away and the Python API changes from one Blender version to the next.