Here are all of the Games for BGMC 34
I made the trolley problem in the Blender game engine for BGMC 34. This uses the latest UPBGE eevee version (To work properly use this version of UPBGE).
Trolley.blend (1.7 MB)
I meant to do a WIP Post, but forgot to.
Did not get much time beyond coding on this one - lots of fancy graphics could easily be applied - but the 'core ’ is here.
left mouse is shoot if the blue player has line of site (even through zombies)
ZOMB_8_update_1.blend (1.6 MB)
[BGMC 34 ZOMB_8 - with audio + dev commentary]
post your high scores here using printscreen eh?
I will see how far I can make it tonight
Ok, I’m turning in my game now.
You control a squad of soldiers trying to get out of a lab being overrun by mutants. Unfortunately, you can’t save them all…
The game is made in UPBGE 2.5 and requires a gamepad to play. (Sorry, no keyboard support this time.)
The download from Github shouldn’t be more than 7MB. It contains a single level and I hope you all find it enjoyable.
(Just a quick warning. I know there are bugs left that I couldn’t get worked out. If your screen goes…
Download standalone release (Windows and Linux)
Download source code on Github
Here’s our entry for the BGMC 34. We didn’t manage to finish it in time, but it’s still pretty functional. The Blender version is the vanilla 2.79b.
Left mouse: Shoot
Right mouse: Release soldier when targeting a hostage
W, A, S, D: Move
Move around the scenery, kill hostile soldiers and make soldiers jump from the
chopper to let them release the hostages on the ground. Once a hostage is …
Here is my work from bgmc 34.
Unfortunately I am unable to finish the game, but I will upload it incomplete. After finishing bgmc I finish the game later
Main menu
Hello people. I just finished the game’s .exe, unfortunately I didn’t do much, my time was very busy this week, the game has no goal, but I added a minejogo to pass the time, I hope that soon I can resume this prototype, making it fun and Thank you it wa…
I was wondering why Macaw Squad was not in the list, but now I see that I forgot to move from Works In Progress to Finished Games subforum. If you could include it please.
Also Soldadinhos De Plastico made the same mistake I did, and the game is available for download there too.
1 Like
February 10, 2021, 2:31pm
Thank you so much for putting this together, I’m going to work on setting up the vote, sorry it is taking so long, but I’m barely keeping up with my homework this week. I’m hoping to put together something really quick after my first class this morning