This post keeps track of all resources I like.
It is meant to be a personal use for fast access to other links. Maybe you find it usefull too.
- BGE Guide to the GameLoop
- BGE Guide to the Python Coding
- BGE Guide to Messages incl. Healthbar tutorial
- BGE Guide to Character Setup
- BGE Guide to Linked Libraries
Finished Games
- Memory - a simple memory game
- Shift Puzzle - a not so simple shift puzzle game
- S2A - Sensors-To-Actuator Python library - for easy connection between sensor output and actuator input (2.49-2.5+)
- A2A - All-To-All Python library - single line Python (2.49-2.5+)
Scene management
- SaveLoader - saving/loading Game states (2.49-2.5+)
- FreeView - Avoid flying through other objects (2.49) - ready to use FreeView with configurable mouse and keyboard control (uses the EventManager and LinkLib) (2.49-2.5+)
- CameraFocus - track multiple game objects with the camera
- EventManager - Deal with (in-game) configurable Keyboard and Mouse Events
- KeyMapper- configurable Keyboard input (deprecated - now part of the EventManager)
Mouse/Mouse Cursor
- MouseOrbiter - A (linkable) way to orbit a camera around a center (FreeView might be better) (2.49-2.5+)
- [B]Cursor [/B]and Cursor Library - an easy way to dynamically show and hide the system mouse cursor (Mouse cursor actuator ;))
- 3D Cursor - a way to add your own custom 3D cursor (2.49/2.5+)
- Prof. Monster’s Drag&Drop Support Simple and easy to apply drag&drop for your game (2.63+)
- Mouse Over Any with X-Ray a workaround (obsolete with 2.73)
User Interface
- Prof. Monster’s inventory for games - an inventory prototype (2.70+)
- Camera relative alignment/movement
- Simple selection Selection with Logic Bricks (2.49-2.6+)
- Prof. Monster’s SlideShow Player for easy camera sequences (2.6+)
- Multilanguage Text elements (2.49-2.6+)
- Frame - create resizable frames with different styles. (2.49-2.5+)
- Text follows object in other scene
- Game Structure - very easy access to your python folders
- Script folder management - a way to keep the scripts in a separate folder and/or internal
- [Python] Monster’s utilities - RayCaster
- Collision - activate actuator dependent on the collision impact (2.49-2.5+)
- Visual VehicleWrapper - using the Vehicle Wrapper without changing the Python files (2.49-2.5+)
- ObjectFinder - utilities to find objects in active scenes (2.49-2.6+)
- Analyzer - analyze your scene on the fly (2.49-2.5+)
- MessageAnalyzer see what messages are flying through your game (2.49-2.5+)
- Frame-by-Frame Debugger - Your game is running to fast? You can’t see the important moments. The FBF debugger let you slow down your game (incl. Physics) to check what happens. Easy it append to and remove from your game.
- Logger - a logging facility for console and file
- Monster’s profiler - a class for profiling profile your code to find bottlenecks
- Benchmark Template 2.0 - template to setup benchmark tests (2.6+)
- Visualizer - make your radar cones visible in-game!
- Object Trailing - create your own sword trails
- Dynamic Texture 1.0 - easy to use VideoTexture (2.68+)
- Switcher - cycle through an object list (2.49-2.5+)
- Flat opaque non-GSLS Shadow - Funny way to create shadows
- Prof. Monster’s Buoyancy/Swimming
- TimeShift - record location and orientation, replay it later at another object (2.49-2.5+)
- Background color fading
- Prof. Monster’s Aberation (good for nebulas)
- Monster’s manic gadgets - the observer
- Monster’s manic gadgets - the attractor
- Monster’s manic gadgets - the Starmap backery
Ready-to-use components
- Door Control (2.69)
- Fixed Camera Pre-rendered Scene enhanced to -> Fixed Camera-Angle Pre-rendered scene
- Enemy waves
- Book- an interactive 3D book with dynamic content (2.49-2.5)
- Fighting red vs green - a just for fun demonstration of the S2A library
- CommandPipeline with selection and context manager
- Monstini a demo of a captured mesh (presented with MouseOrbiter, see above)
- Helicopter with physics
- Add-A-Thing: Sci-Fi Doors prototype
- Adventure “Arm Dran”
- Adventure “Bit of Magic” (with the ManCandyActionPlayer)
Community projects
- Add a Thing - outdoor environment many thanks to all contributors
- Add-A-Thing - Throwables
Hints, Guides and Good-To-Knows
Good to know
Maintained by