How to vote
- Pick up to three of your favorite images
- Results will be made visible after you have cast your vote.
- To change your vote, click ‘Show vote’, update your choice and click ‘Vote now!’
- Voting ends on midnight, December 30 (Amsterdam).
- 1 - Row row row your boat by Ville Kuusilehto
- 2 - Aerial City by purbosky
- 3 - Jet & Car meet on the Super Airport by wanoco4D
- 4 - Jungle Racer by Marcel
- 5 - Ferrari 308 by Ali Nasiri
- 6 - Sebring-Vanguard Citicar / Comuta car by Bohdan Lvov
- 7 - Pioneers - 04 by Mao Mornity
- 8 - U.S.S. Olympia and U.S.S. Brooklyn by Mark06GT
- 9 - Street Car Charm by Sonja Christoph
- 10 - “Watch Out, We’re Mad!” (“Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo”) by Mauro Fanti
- 11 - De Havilland Tiger Moth by TZ L
- 12 - Candy Cart by Ewa Wierbik
- 13 - Sid Chiang’s Mugen Honda CRX by marvluebke
- 14 - Arriving in Isla Sorna - Blender Animation by Julien
- 15 - Steampunk Station by Jose Miguel Gordaliza
- 16 - Sedenion by Marcel Deneuve
- 17 - Audy R8 Night Race by Andri V
- 18 - Custom Motorcycle (Yamaha XVS650) by Chris Bassett
- 19 - Fiat 125p by Marcin Demendecki
- 20 - Bike in the grass by Matej Kumsta
- 21 - LNER A4 Pacific Steam Locomotive by ontogenic
- 22 - Ferrari F1-75 by Nati
- 23 - 2nd Hand IV – Polski Fiat by Lukas Gallati
- 24 - Caloi 10 - Urban Road Bike by Wilson Roberto Vitorino Junior
- 25 - Apricot by wafi izz
- 26 - Mobile Attack Vehicle MAV by Jared @jared_m_design
- 27 - The Defender by Clayton Sjoerdsma
- 28 - Galleon ship by Piotr Gajda
- 29 - Collection stylized low poly 3D models vehicles. Heavy trucks with semi-trailers 80s by SlvPnk
- 30 - Volvo 7900 electric bus by Adam Wiese
Congratulations to @TheVilleK, @purbosky, @wanoco4D, @Marcellus, @Ali-Nasiri, @ostapblender, @MaoMornity, @Mark06GT, @srchristoph, @Maurof98, @Yumeizhiren, @sempervirent, @marvluebke, @juVFX, @jmgordaliza, @MarcelDeneuve, @Andri_V, @fabriceyes, @MarcinDemendecki, @Matej_Kumsta, @ontogenic, @Nati_Hershko, @lukasgallati, @VitorinoJunior, @wafi, @BlackCat_Productions, @claytonsjoerdsma, @Panthalonik, @SlvPnk, @Lazercar for being nominated!